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Mount Rushmore in the news

Doane Robinson was the state historian of South Dakota in 1927 when the work began for the carving of four American presidents on the side of Mount Rushmore. The four faces would look Southeast over the Lakota lands and beyond, in spite of the fact that the whole area had been sacred to the Native Americans as far back as they could remember and relay.

It was Doane’s idea, and his proposal to the state, to create a monument carved into the landscape somewhere that would attract tourists to that area from all over the United States. His original idea, however, had nothing to do with any great Presidents. He wanted something which depicted the current collective history of the area which he loved, and he suggested figures of the Lewis and Clarke team that included the young woman Sacagawea and Chief Red Cloud, but he was overridden by the sculpture himself who was chosen for the project, a man who had “grander” ideas.

In spite of much protest from the Lokata Sioux native people (who had at one time been given this land), and explaining to all those involved that the land was sacred and should not be desecrated, the decision was made to go ahead with the project anyway. On October 4, 1927, construction began on the mountain, which, of course was a loud dynamiting of a front section of it. It would be more than ten years before it was declared to be finished. Doane no doubt was upset that his original idea had been utterly ignored. He had wanted something less conspicuous, and more in keeping with the local environment. It seems, however, that he forgot his vision and got caught up in the excitement. Maybe. The common story does not really relay how he felt. Astrology, however, might tell us something different.

There was at the very least great tension between Doan Robinson and the decision to go ahead with the project of the four heads. On October 4th when the project went into action, we see in the mundane horoscope of that day, set for, say, high noon, the planet Mars hiding from us in the light of the noon-day Sun, and in a 90-degree square to the Moon and Pluto. We shall see momentarily why this was in direct tension to the energy of Mr. Robinson, but first it is important to explain more why that day held much tension all on its own.

Anytime we see the Moon in that 90-degree aspect to the Sun, which yes, is the first quarter or third quarter Moon in our sky ( and it happens every month), we know it is a day when the “divine masculine” energy is not getting along with the “divine feminine” energy. There is tension between them, something to be worked out. Masculine energy is taking the initiative for action, whereas feminine energy is focused on taking care, and providing nurturance. It’s best they just stay away from each other. So, right away we know which one will win (so to speak), which energy will be able to function, and which energy will have a hard time functioning and needs to sneak off somewhere quiet. Now that you have that picture, listen to more.

Mars is also involved, which is another energy interested in taking action, combined with the energy of the Sun next to it, a central life force of energy. Because they are in the sign of Libra we can say the energy has been “weakened” (a traditional view of those planets in that sign), but here we see a special purpose for it, because it is for creating art.

Pluto needs no explanation for those who understand a little astrology. Pluto adds a tremendous force of energy to the mix, a deeply emotional one, an internal drive. We have to assume that there were heavy underlying reasons for this project far beyond what was openly discussed on the surface. On the face of it, we have men working to achieve an engineering marvel on a larger scale than was necessary. Was this something that the people of the U.S. wanted and needed?

Here is the data from the birth horoscope of Doane Robinson that suggests Doane was having a very difficult time with the the creation of the Mount Rushmore heads. On October 4th, the day mentioned above, Doane was present at the site. In fact, he followed the men up the mountain. In his own birth chart, we see the planet Saturn at 14 degrees of Cancer, which is also in a square aspect to the transiting Mars and more or less conjunct to the transiting Pluto on that October 4th day. Since we don’t know his birth time, we cannot be sure of his natal Moon placement, but a late afternoon birth would put his Moon in Cancer and near the transiting Pluto. Not only that, but, so importantly, Doane’s lunar nodal axis of 15 Libra-Aries, which suggests his need for interaction with that group on this famous project, regardless of how it turned out.

I have no doubt that it troubled Doane greatly to be a part of this monumental project, because he was not able to convince anyone of the mistake of their actions, the mistake of their lives. Great tension in a horoscope at any point in our lives is very rewarding only when we can use that energy to get something done which fulfills a dream of ours or furthers a cause of ours. But to be frustrated by events which stop our efforts and place us in unacceptable positions of restraint, is devastatingly inhumane.

So, now imagine how the Lakota must have felt, and probably do still feel to this very day. Imagine how they stood by to hear blast after blast bouncing off that beautiful mountain, and echoing into the valley, as hawks screeched and terrified deer ran away. Imagine them as their carefully chosen English words (so poetically arranged) were ignored and dismissed, and they were sent further away to live on desolate lands called reservations. Imagine the Native Americans today, as they see the four white heads reflecting the morning sun as if these four were the saviors of the known world. Imagine people still coming from miles around and parking their giant cars (yes, I have one too) in the giant complex with the museum … and marvel. At what?

Now imagine our current president there, a man who long ago said he wanted to be the fifth face on that mountain. God have mercy.

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